Ancora oche! Anser anser... o OCA SELVATICA:
È talora chiamata "oca cenerina" proprio per la caratteristica
sfumatura grigio-cenere del suo piumaggio. È considerata l'antenata
dell'oca domestica europea, le cui penne venivano usate come calamo, volano o dardo per frecce.
L'oca selvatica è diventata molto famosa grazie all'etologo Konrad Lorenz; con essa ha infatti studiato il fenomeno dell'imprinting.È una specie molto gregaria, durante gli spostamenti gli stormi formano le classiche "V" nel cielo.
Questo meccanismo, spostando continuamente l'elemento in testa permette
di diminuire la resistenza dell'aria e quindi la fatica. (Info:wikipedia Anser Anser)
Here an Anser anser drawing by a kid, on my little "CreativeLab:Birds" for children |
The GREYLAG GOOSE (Anser anser):
Anser anser, the greylag goose, is a member of the waterfowl family Anatidae. It was first described by the Swedish naturalist Carl Linnaeus in 1758 as Anas anser, but was transferred two years later to the new genus Anser, erected by the French zoologist Mathurin Jacques Brisson, where it is the type species. The greylag goose was one of the first animals to be domesticated; this
happened at least 3000 years ago in Ancient Egypt, the domestic breed
being known as A. a. domesticus. In Ancient Egypt, geese symbolised the sun god Ra. In Ancient Greece and Rome, they were associated with the goddess of love, Aphrodite, and goose fat was used as an aphrodisiac. Since they were sacred birds, they were kept on Rome's Capitoline Hill, from where they raised the alarm when the Gauls attacked in 390 B.C. (Info on: wiki Anser anser).