
Museo d'Autunno

Welcome to my little Autumn Museum (music by Anders Ilar)...

This video was realized with some objects found in my garden: 
that discovery remind me the
Bruno Munari’s Imaginary Museum of the Aeolian Islands (1955) 
and inspired my video.
Here some info in english about the italian artist Bruno Munari...here some photos about his art.
Qui il racconto di Bruno Munari su come è nato il suo museo inventato alle isole Eolie (1955).

(A room of the museum)
(If you want to give a overwiew of the museum... it's all in this photo)


DIY: my beautiful keyring-horse!

Info & project about this keyring on IL MIO CAVALLO magazine (october 2015)

...other keyrings-horse on my pinterest!



In July "IL MIO CAVALLO" magazine is focus on Spain:
this month the horse-race card is dedicated to the gorgeous and elegant Andalusian horse. 

More info on magazine ...


Tocca a te!

A new tactile book for the contest "TOCCA A TE!"
...stones, snail, leaves and a long parade of little animals line one after another!


design for homemade tent

American baby bedding decoration
feather, arrows, cactus, ancestral stars and animal spirit watch over newborn. 

Good night southwest baby!

Textile design
Textile design for adventure bag, sleeping time, tepee homemade...

Cactus studio!

Do you want to make a homemade tent?
Here some DIY & links:

make it & love it


Marzo a cavallo!

funny games ...and DIY: how to create a pony party!

 Illustrations, games and handmade crafts for IL MIO CAVALLO magazine...more info on Be


Love bunnies!

 Love is in the air... spring is coming and love blow up for these little bunnies!

Textile design is available on my Spoonflower Shop 
(LOVE BUNNIES is not for sale yet...write me if you want to buy it)

Textile design for Spoonflower Design Challenge

Detail of love bunnies...

Love garden where bunnies scamper around.



DIY: Miss Sweety!

 A simple costume party: Miss Sweety.

Use colored felts to make the crown and the sweet decotations, 
sew the body costume and make the skirt knoting many piece of tulle...

 ...so here it is your lovely sweety costume!


Rockets on Spoonflower!

Get ready for blast off with this week's Design Challenge: rockets everywhere!!!

 Here my Design

There were 255 rockets in the challenge: 
my rocket arrived in 19th place! I'm very happy :-)


Groundhogs Day...il giorno della marmotta

The 2th of Febrary is near and there is a groundhogs invasion here!

 Textile Contest on Spoonflower! This week is:

While Punxsutawney Phil is preparing for his moment in the sun (or shadow), 
we're having our own groundhog day with this week's Design Challenge
These cute, cuddly and oh-so-intuitive critters are sure to make for a fun fabric design.

Here you can vote this design and see all the groundhogs...

UPDATE! the groundhogs that taked part in contest were 113:
my design arrived on 12th place... I'm so happy!!!!!!

Eccomi pronta per il Giorno della marmotta!!

Se non conoscete questa ricorrenza e il nome Punxsutawney vi sembra 
solo uno scioglilingua ecco qualche informazioni illuminante da Wikipedia:

Il Giorno della marmotta (in inglese Groundhog Day) è una festa celebrata negli Stati Uniti e nel Canada il 2 febbraio, e si basa sul comportamento di un esemplare di marmotta americana Marmota monax, un roditore della famiglia Sciuridae, diffuso in tali località, al suo risveglio. Il primo Giorno della marmotta venne osservato a Punxsutawney, in Pennsylvania. La tradizione vuole che in questo giorno si debba osservare il rifugio di una marmotta. Se questa emerge e non riesce a vedere la sua ombra perché il tempo è nuvoloso, l'inverno finirà presto; se invece vede la sua ombra perché è una bella giornata, si spaventerà e tornerà di corsa nella sua tana, e l'inverno continuerà per altre sei settimane 
 (fonte completa).

 Qui trovate tutte le marmotte e la sfida della settimana... alla fine le mie marmotte sono arrivate ben dodicesime su 113 partecipanti, sono proprio contenta :-)


Winter activity for children

  Brrrrr....it's very cold here,

 let's make an amazing snowman!

Oh no, someone mix the photos of the steps of "how to build it"! Damn it!